Traffic Boosting Strategies - online marketing and visibility for small business

17 Proven Ways to Drive More Website Traffic for Free - Traffic Boosting Strategies You Can Use Today

Traffic Boosting Strategies to Sky-Rocket Your Online Visibility

If you are growing an online business, then you need traffic boosting strategies, plain and simple. Having a digital strategy for your online marketing efforts for increasing visibility and traffic to your website is critical for growing an engaged audience and promoting your brand, products, or services. But driving substantial traffic takes work – you need compelling content and smart distribution to get website visitors. The good news? There are several proven tactics you can use to significantly boost your website traffic for free if you’re willing to put in the effort. The following 17 suggestions are proven methods for driving more traffic to your website -- for free!

1. Optimize On-Page SEO

Kind of a no-brainer. On-page optimization should be the foundation of your organic search strategy. This includes doing keyword research to identify relevant terms and questions around your niche to target. Once you know the terms people search for, incorporate these organically throughout your website pages. Place priority keywords in key areas like titles, headers, content, image names, alt text, metadata, and URL structure. Creating this relevant on-page SEO helps search engines understand your website focus and content subjects so they can match visitor intent to your pages.

2. Leverage Long-Tail Keywords

While popular one to three word phrases have intense competition, longer “long tail” keywords are less crowded. These ultra-specific multi-word queries indicate higher user intent that converts better too. Research long tail variants around your topics to target like “how to create more focused blog content around target keywords.” Tools like KeywordTool and SEMRush identify search volume and competition data for all types of keyword options.

--> Don't have time to run keyword searches? Let us do it for you! 

3. Optimize Site Speed

Google has made site speed a factor in search rankings, so optimization provides big dividends. Use caching plugins, minify code, condense images, remove unnecessary widgets, and upgrade to optimized web hosting to make your site lean and fast loading. Visitors prefer speed, too – conversion rates rise significantly on faster loading websites.

4. Update Content Regularly

Search engines favor websites with fresh, evergreen content. Stale untouched sites get decreasing visibility over time. Set a schedule for publishing new blog content and updating existing pages around your latest products, services and company news. This gives both visitors and search bots a reason to revisit while showing your brand stays current and enga/h4>

--> Get content written and published for you! High quality blogs, new articles, podcasts and graphics you can use and distribute as part of your traffic boosting strategies.

5. Get More Referral Links

Relevant websites linking back to your content implicitly indicates quality to search algorithms which drives referral traffic. Create resources worth recommending and pitch guest posts to sites accepting contributor content in your field. Build relationships with similar businesses to exchange cross-links. The more niche authority sites that reference your brand, the more visibility and direct visits you’ll earn over time.

-->Content published by Marketing Without Makeup is guaranteed to generate a minimum of 300 backlinks per campaign. This means your content will be seen by thousands of Google searches every time.
get more traffic to my website. Traffic Boosting Strategies

6. Promote Content on Social Media

All major social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and more have huge built-in audiences you can expose your content to. Share your new blog articles when published across your brand social accounts. Join relevant Facebook Groups to share content. Engage followers by commenting on industry “influencers” and occasionally share a relevant post of yours for added visibility. Promoting content across social platforms extends your audience reach significantly.

7. Claim and Optimize Business Listings

Many visitors will search for local businesses on platforms like Google My Business, Facebook Business Pages, and Apple Maps. Completing robust listings on these websites drives views, calls, requested directions, reviews, and website visits. Fill out all details like images, videos, content, services, products, location, hours, and more. Get customer reviews to build social proof. Listing views convert to increased branded traffic.

8. Guest Blog Outreach

Reaching out to industry websites that accept contributor posts not only earns backlinks as mentioned, but sites will often link back to your website from your byline. This drives referral traffic from readers of that site. Build a list of reputable sites taking guest content in your field and pitch post ideas tailored to their audience on topics you have expertise around. Writing for credible third-party sites expands your reach significantly.

9. Start a Podcast

Podcasts continue rising dramatically in popularity as people can learn on the go. A branded show lets you highlight expertise, workshop products, interview influencers, provide tutorials...while embedding calls to action to visit your website across episodes. Make transcripts from each show and publish across your blog to reinforce messages while earning more organic visibility. Promote new episodes through your other marketing channels to convert listeners to website visitors.

10. Email Outreach

Using professional emails, selectively contact sites, journalists, bloggers, brands and social influencers directly aligned with your offerings with story pitches, expert commentary, or feedback requests relevant to pieces they’ve recently published. Build these relationships over helpful exchanges that organically mention your work and expertise while sharing links to your in-depth content. Personalized niche outreach drives more referral traffic from genuinely helping relevant audiences with your knowledge.

11. Comment on Industry Blogs

Seeking out and engaging on reputable and popular sites publishing content related to your business provides another channel for visibility and referrals. Share insights and links to helpful resources published on your own website when constructively commenting on their articles. Check their guidelines first, provide useful remarks, and become a regular recognizable member of their community. Moderators often review and approve comments increasing referral potential.

12. Syndicate Content

Publishing platforms like Medium, Industry News sites and niche hubs centered around topics aligned to your expertise accept contributor submissions which then amplify distribution of republished posts to their own member audiences. Expand the reach of your greatest pieces by researching options accepting syndicated guest content. Drive visitors back to your site by requiring links or by sharing additional exclusive details, resources or offers on your site.

13. Interlink Internal Content

Linking internally between related content across your site helps search bots crawl new pages and visitors discover more of your blog thereby increasing time on site, pages viewed per visit and overall traffic. Review articles and interlink using relevant anchor text to other detailed content that’s complementary. This amplifies site-wide page authority scoring for improved organic visibility as well.

14. Host Web Events

Hosting and promoting virtual summits, webinars, conferences, and other online events provides a valuable service while requiring registration often through your website. These captures high intent visitor data while incentivizing event sign ups and driving traffic to related pages on your site. Promote the events through email, social media, guest podcast spots and outreach to drive sign ups and website visits.

15. Engage Influencer Audiences

Identify social media influencers in your niche with engaged followings aligned to your products or services. Follow them, share and comment genuinely on their content and organically interlink helpful resources from your website when relevant to provide value and position you as an expert. If they share your site or content as well, this exposes your brand directly to their already interested audiences likely to visit your website

16. Site Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads display your brand to visitors after leaving your website encouraging them to return. The platforms track recent site visitors with cookies allowing you to re-engage those high-intent prospects with display ads, offers, follow ups and calls to action to click back to your content. Retargeting works extremely effectively to recapture and convert recent visitors into repeat engaged traffic.

17. Interview Industry Experts

One of the most effective ways to create compelling content is by interviewing subject matter experts. Coordinate with leaders in your niche aligned to your audience and products. Ask them smart questions that provide real value for your readers. When publishing the interviews onto your blog, embed links citing their websites and initiatives discussed which earns goodwill and referrals. The insightful interviews attract visitors interested in those experts likely to browse your site.

Hopefully, after reading this, you walk away with several proven traffic boosting strategies and tactics to substantially grow your website's visibility and referral traffic completely free! 

The goal is to put you right in front of new buyers who want what you have. That is the power of generating content and search results in Google -- potential new customers are already looking for a business like yours. Now let's get them to know, like and trust you, too.

If you want help with any of these, don't hesitate to reach out. Marketing Without Makeup will build the content, generate leads and design automation for you that boosts traffic. Take back tens, or maybe hundreds, of hours you could spend on marketing and get back to doing what you do best - delivering value to your clients and customers.

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